Monday, July 16, 2012

Hey, What’s Up with That Beard You are Growing?

Have you ever been at a meeting or event and sneaked off to the ladies room and are horrified when you look into the mirror and find hairs growing out of your chin?  Well join the club.  This has happened to me far too often and when it does I want to race to the nearest CVS and purchase a pair of tweezers (because using my fingers just doesn’t work) and assassinate those horrible signs of aging.  Unfortunately, it always seems like I either don’t have enough time to run out to make a tweezer purchase or it much too late and CVS is closed.  So I am stuck and I feel like dying.

Caused by changes as we get older in our hormonal balance or the result of medication we take, these embarrassing pesky hairs instantly retract from our appearance and send the signal – I am really old.  Whether it is my chin or lip, hair seems to sprout overnight and take center stage at the most public and potentially embarrassing situations.  Even worse, as I get older  the hairs are turning gray and it is almost impossible to detect them with my failing eyesight. 

So what is a Fierce and Fabulous Girl to do?  Try the following tricks I use to keep those hairs from making an appearance:
  • Get a Standing Magnifying Mirror and Check Your Face Everyday – take a quick check for stray chin hairs in a magnifying mirror each morning right before you put on your makeup.
  • Keep Tweezers Everywhere – I always have tweezers at the ready.  I have tweezers in my bathroom, handbag, brief case, makeup case and my favorite place - my car.  Yes, my car.  I found that the sunlight that comes through the windshield perfectly illuminates my chin hairs and it is the best way to detect particularly the gray ones.
  • Waxing -  of course regular waxing will also help keep your face looking as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
  • Ask for Help -  When all else fails, it is really important to have a friend or family member be your look out.  Ask them to let you know if you need to make a run for the tweezers.  

Until next time, Be Fierce and Look Fabulous!
